Being Lived by Life
Atmara’s Artist Statement:
It is such a joy for me to be used by Life, by Love to create art. The process provides a expression of wholeness that infuses and informs all areas of my life. I never know what I will create when I start a new image. I simply follow where the energy takes me and play until I know an image is complete. I often say to people, “I am just the one clicking the mouse” because I feel these images are living entities and I am just the person lucky enough to give them form in this dimension. Many who interact with my work have expressed how deeply and personally it effects them, and hearing that makes my heart sing. My work is deeply spiritual and is an expression of love. May it serve you as deeply as it serves me.
Atmara’s Biographical info:
Atmara Rebecca Cloe began her work as a digital artist in the spring of 1996 when she purchased her first computer and began her digital art business. She is primarily self taught. She took a few art classes in college, but never had success with traditional media. “I had to wait for computer technology to be where it is now to find a medium where I could truly express my gifts.” Personal mandalas are her specialty and information about them can be found under the Personal Mandala link. All of Atmara’s work is available for licensing. If you would like more information about how Atmara creates her mandalas see the post The Magic of Mandala Making – Living Art. Atmara lives in the Ashland, OR where she is constantly inspired by the beauty around her, the love of her friends, and the antics of her very silly cat, Sophia.