by atmara | Jun 17, 2019 | Art, Boho Art, Digital Mandalas, Love, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Mandala Monday Inspirations

Mandalas from the Depth of Love 8
Do not be ashamed of your sensitivity!
It has brought you many riches.
You see what others cannot see,
Feel what others are ashamed to feel.
You are more open, less numb.
You find it harder to turn a blind eye.
You have not closed your heart,
in spite of everything.
You are able to hold
the most intense highs
and the darkest lows
in your loving embrace.
(You know that neither define you.
Everything passes through.
You are a cosmic vessel.)
Celebrate your sensitivity!
It has kept you flexible and open.
You have remained close to wonder.
And awareness burns brightly in you.
Don’t compare yourself with others.
Don’t expect them to understand.
But teach them:
It’s okay to feel, deeply.
It’s okay to not know.
It’s okay to play
on the raw edge of life.
Life may seem ‘harder’ for you at times,
And often you are close to overwhelm.
But it’s harder still
to repress your overwhelming gifts.
Sensitive ones,
Bring some gentleness into this weary world!
Shine on with courageous sensitivity!
You are the light bearers!
– Jeff Foster

Shop for Prints and Gifts
of all Atmara’s Artwork on Society6 and Zazzle
Like to receive the Mandala Monday Insprirations in your email each Monday?
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About Atmara:
Atmara Rebecca Cloe began her work as a digital artist in the spring of 1996 when she purchased her first computer and began her digital art business. She is primarily self taught. She took a few art classes in college, but never had success with traditional media.
“I had to wait for computer technology to be where it is now to find a medium where I could truly express my gifts.” Personal mandalas are her specialty and information about them can be found under the Personal Mandala link.
All of Atmara’s work is available for licensing. If you would like more information about how Atmara creates her mandalas see the post The Magic of Mandala Making – Living Art. Atmara lives in the Ashland, OR where she is constantly inspired by the beauty around her, the love of her friends, and the antics of her very silly cat, Sophia.
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by atmara | Jun 10, 2019 | Art, Boho, Digital Mandalas, Love, Mandala Murals, Mandalas, Rumi
Mandala Monday Inspirations

Mandalas from the Depth of Love 7
“Yesterday I was clever,
so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise,
so I am changing myself.”
― Jalaluddin Rumi

Shop for Prints and Gifts
of all Atmara’s Artwork on Society6 and Zazzle
Like to receive the Mandala Monday Insprirations in your email each Monday?
Sign up via the form in the sidebar or the popup form at the bottom of the page.
About Atmara:
Atmara Rebecca Cloe began her work as a digital artist in the spring of 1996 when she purchased her first computer and began her digital art business. She is primarily self taught. She took a few art classes in college, but never had success with traditional media.
“I had to wait for computer technology to be where it is now to find a medium where I could truly express my gifts.” Personal mandalas are her specialty and information about them can be found under the Personal Mandala link.
All of Atmara’s work is available for licensing. If you would like more information about how Atmara creates her mandalas see the post The Magic of Mandala Making – Living Art. Atmara lives in the Ashland, OR where she is constantly inspired by the beauty around her, the love of her friends, and the antics of her very silly cat, Sophia.
©Atmara Rebecca Cloe
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by atmara | Jun 3, 2019 | Art, Boho, Boho Art, Digital Mandalas, Love, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Mandala Monday Inspirations

Mandalas from the Depth of Love 6
Even if you disagree with
certain aspects of yourself,
even if you absolutely know
there are parts of yourself
that need correcting,
still you can honor
the truth of yourself.
That honoring is love
and love is the truth
of who you are.
~ Gangaji

Shop for Prints and Gifts
of all Atmara’s Artwork on Society6 and Zazzle
Like to receive the Mandala Monday Insprirations in your email each Monday?
Sign up via the form in the sidebar or the popup form at the bottom of the page.
About Atmara:
Atmara Rebecca Cloe began her work as a digital artist in the spring of 1996 when she purchased her first computer and began her digital art business. She is primarily self taught. She took a few art classes in college, but never had success with traditional media.
“I had to wait for computer technology to be where it is now to find a medium where I could truly express my gifts.”
Personal mandalas are her specialty and information about them can be found under the Personal Mandala link. All of Atmara’s work is available for licensing. If you would like more information about how Atmara creates her mandalas see the post The Magic of Mandala Making – Living Art. Atmara lives in the Ashland, OR where she is constantly inspired by the beauty around her, the love of her friends, and the antics of her very silly cat, Sophia.
©Atmara Rebecca Cloe
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Follow me on Twitter @atmara
Buy prints and Gifts at society6:
And also at Zazzle:
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