Celtic Knots or Nós deltas are the basis of today’s video by Beta Aldeia. In this time lapsed video you will see how Beta Aldeia creates a mandala using these forms.

Mandala Art – Celtic Knots – Nós celtas

Beta Aldeia - Celtic knots

Beta Aldei

For more information about Beta Aldeia got to:

Facebook – http://bit.ly/fanpagebetaaldeia
Twitter – @betaaldeia – https://twitter.com/betaaldeia
Instagram – @betaaldeia – https://www.instagram.com/betaaldeia/
Pinterest –  https://es.pinterest.com/betafaldeia

Desenhar mandalas me faz muito bem, me acalma e diverte. Para me ver desenhando inscreva-se no meu canal e siga-me em:
Facebook https://facebook.com/betaaldeiamandalas/
Twitter @betaaldeia
Instagram @betaaldeia
Pinterest https://es.pinterest.com/betafaldeia


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!