Mandala Monday – 2019 Mandala Calendars by Atmara Rebecca Cloe

2019 Mandala Calendars by Atmara Rebecca Cloe: Every year I showcase the mandalas created in the previous 12 months by creating a mandala calendar from them. This year I had 1 large set of mandalas, the Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity, “come through” me and are, to me, even more amazing than any I’ve yet been privileged to bring into form. I know I say that every year, but they just keep getting better and better. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy creating them. All mandala calendars from previous years are also available in 2019 versions.

Here is a look at the  Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity.

This mandala calendar may be purchased in my Zazzle Store at:

2019 Calendar Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity Cover

2019 Calendar Voice of Eternity pages

Other mandala calendars with images created in previous years

are also available as 2019 Calendars.

They include:

Mandalas from the Heart of Freedom and Change Calender Cover

Mandalas from the Heart of Freedom & Change


Mandalas for Times of Transition Calendar Cover

Mandalas for Times of Transition


Forgiveness & Release Mandala Calendars

Mandalas of Forgiveness and Release


FOL-calendar-cover mandala calendarsFlower of Life Mandala Calendar



Mandalas for a New Earth Calendar


deeptrust mandala calendars
Mandalas of Deep Trust


heartofpeace mandala calendars
Mandalas from the Heart of Peace


Mandalas from the Heart of Transformation Calendar


HEARTOFTRUTH mandala calendars
Mandalas from the Heart of Truth Calendar


MANDALACLANDAR mandala calendars
Mandala Calendar


Mandalas from the Heart of Surrender Calendar


ONENESS mandala calendarsOneness Calendar


These also may be purchased in my Zazzle Store at:



I look forward to your thoughts and comments!


Mandala Monday – Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity – Part 3

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity, my latest mandalas, have been featured in two other posts, Mandala Monday – Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity – Part 2, released on  August 20 and Mandala Monday – Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity – Part 1, released on August 8, 2018. Today we look at the final 10 images in this group.

There is a process I find interesting whenever I  publish new mandalas. While I am making them, they seem very alive to me. Then when I first publish them their energy seems rather flat. The more people see them and interact with them the more they come alive. Now that they have been on Facebook, Twitter, my website, Society6 and Etsy for a month they are coming alive again.

I hope you are enjoying them.

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 21

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 21


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 22

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 22


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 23

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 23


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 24

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 24


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 25

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 25


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 26

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 26


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 27

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 27


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 28

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 28


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 29

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 29


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 30

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 30


Purchase Instant Downloads of these mandala files in Atmara’s Etsy Store

Purchase Prints, Canvases, Clothing, Home Decor and more made from these images at Atmara’s Society6 Store


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Mandala Monday – Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity – Part 1

Finally the new set of mandalas, Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity, is complete! In the same way that I have no idea what I am going to create when I sit down to make a mandala, I have no idea which mandalas will “make the cut” so to speak or what that set will want to be called.

This new set began at the end of 2017 and was just completed recently. When I asked them (the mandalas) what they wanted to be called it took me some time to hear the answer clearly. I had the idea that the name would probably include the word “wholeness” or “grace,” and it took me a while to let that go and see what else appeared.

“Voice of Eternity?” I said when it those words popped into my head. “Really? What does that even mean?” I thought. It took me a couple of days to let it marinate, but that’s the name. After all, the mandalas themselves don’t “mean” anything, at least to the left brain, so why should their name?

So here are the first 10 of 30. Enjoy!

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 1

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 1

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 2

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 2


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 3

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 3


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 4

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 4


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 5

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 5


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 6

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 6


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 7

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 7


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 8

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 8


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 9

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 9


Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 10

Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity 10


Purchase Instant Downloads of these mandala files in Atmara’s Etsy Store

Purchase Prints, Canvases, Clothing, Home Decor and more made from these images at Atmara’s Society6 Store


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!