Mandala Monday – How To Make A Crystal Grid Layout for Your Home by Energy Muse

How To Make A Crystal Grid Layout for Your Home by Energy Muse shows us how to use the Flower of Life, sacred geometry and crystals to create a grid to strengthen a focused intention. Some of you might think this is too “airy fairy” for your tastes, but I think you will find this a beautiful way to make a new type of mandalas.

Here is what Energy Muse has to say about this video:

“Crystal Grids integrate sacred geometry with the power of crystals to strengthen a focused intention. You may be asking yourself, what is the difference between using individual stones versus a crystal grid? The power of a crystal grid comes from the union of energies created between the healing stones, sacred geometry and your intention. The combination of the power of crystals in a geometric pattern greatly strengthens your focused intention to manifest results much quicker. We have crystal grids in almost every room of the Energy Muse office; each intended for a different purpose or goal. Whatever your goal may be, you can create a powerful combination of crystals into a grid, to hold your intention and manifest it.”

“Using crystal grid layouts in your home can transform the energy of your space. The stones work together, combining all their unique energies for one goal, which can amplify the intention. The sacred geometry of a grid also works with the crystal energy to make powerful energy to manifest results quicker.”

“Positive energy, whether it is love, happiness, peace or blessings, enhances all aspects of our lives. We have crystals for positive energy in each room to ensure that our space is inviting in blessings and that we have a positive environment to work and live in. Use crystal grid layout attracts positive energy into your space by activating the space with your intention.”


How To Make A Crystal Grid Layout for Your Home by Energy Muse


Crystal Grids by Energy Muse

To learn more about energy grids see:

Find your CRYSTAL:



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