Psychologist Cures the Criminally Insane with Hoʻoponopono
I don’t know exactly where I first saw the story (certainly somewhere on the web), but the story of a psychologist curing a ward of criminally insane patients without ever interacting with them is certainly something that gets your attention. In the last post, How Your Attention Can Effect Water, I mentioned Hoʻoponopono and the book Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More. I’d like to expand a bit more on this story.
Joe Vitale heard this story about a man named Ihaleakala Hew Len, who used a version of an ancient healing technique called Hoʻoponopono to cure criminally insane patients without ever interacting with them. He spent day after day, reading their charts and using Hoʻoponopono to clear the energy in himself that was evoked by the reading of these charts. His belief is that whatever is in our consciousness in the external world, is inside us in our internal world and can be cleared. And doing so internally effects the world “outside” us. Joe Vitale was so intrigued by this story that he sought out Hew Len and eventually co-authored the book Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More with him. I will let you read the book to get all the details, but I think you will find it intriguing. The basic technique involves the use of four simple phrases, “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.” Many are suggesting using this in relationship to the Gulf oil situation as I mentioned last post. We could all be using it everywhere in our daily life. What an experiment it would be if we all tried this for one day. What changes would occur, what miracles would be created? Experiment with it in your own life and see.
You can further explore Hoʻoponopono, not only through the book, but also through recordings of workshops Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len have given together. Several are listed below:
- Zero Limits Seminar. Joe Vitale And Dr. Hew Len Present Worlds First Zero Limits Seminar On Audios And Transcripts Based On Actual Live Event.
- Zero Limits Live From Maui DVDs. Let Dr. Joe Vitale And Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Teach You How To Get To The Incredibile & Euphoric State Of ‘Zero’ – (this Is Where You Clear Yourself Of Past Limitations And Open Yourself Up To A World Filled With Unlimited Possibilities).
“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”
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