10 More Links for Mandala Lovers
On my Facebook Fan Page, Mandalas by Atmara, I like to list links to interesting mandala related sites on the web. If you have downloaded Mandalas Galore (free when you join my mailing list), you’ve seen some of those. I’m always finding new ones so I thought I’d list some here that I’ve found since I put the Mandalas Galore PDF together.
Myoats – Create Something (http://www.myoats.com) – a fun interactive online drawing tool for mandalas
- Mandala Maker (http://www.abgoodwin.com/mandala/mandalamaker.shtml) – an updated version of this easy to use mandala making software.
- Open Window School Arts: 5th Grade Mandalas (http://owsart.blogspot.com/2011/01/fifth-grade-mandalas.html) – some amazing mandalas by budding young artists.
- Mandala Coloring Book, Vol. 1 (http://www.keacoloringbook.com/free-coloring-pages/86-mandalas-volume-1.html) – a mandala coloring book that you color online!
- East Oakview Elementary Art (http://eastoakviewart.blogspot.com/2011/01/painted-mandalas.html) – painted mandalas by a talented group of 4th graders
- Planetary Mandalas (http://earthboundskies.blogspot.com/2011/01/planetary-mandalas.html) – interesting post on how the tracking of planetary movements forms mandalas.
- Mandala Time-lapse Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLl0k8N3vJc) – one of the fastest time-lapse videos of the creation of a Tibetan mandala that I have ever seen. Very cool, though.
- Mandala Stones (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=256833&id=91763328025) – Mandalas painted on stones. Very beautiful.
- Mandala Cupcakes (http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2008/08/mandala_cupcakes.html) – for those of you with a sweet tooth. Yum!
- Mandala Custom Homes (http://www.mandalahomes.com/) – and for those of you who like really BIG mandalas, how about a mandala home?
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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