10 Simple Ways to Restore Your Inner Peace-from The Sedona Method
Beyond wealth, beyond autonomy, even beyond happiness, if you have inner peace you can feel that all is right with the world. It’s the place where nothing can bring you down; make you angry or cause you harm, because inside you are all right.
And it’s the place so many of us need now, more than ever.
We don’t have to tell you that stress is rampant all around us, and our lives are getting increasingly hectic, rather than simple. You probably already feel it, and live it.
But amidst all the chaos, inside you can have peace.
“Inner peace is natural to each and every one of us,” says Hale Dwoskin, CEO and director of training of Sedona Training Associates. “Yet most of us keep ourselves so busy and so externally focused we don’t realize that right within us is the peace and happiness we are trying to create with our external action.”
To restore your inner peace, or achieve it in the first place, all you have to do is realize that you are separate from your thoughts. And when your thoughts start to go toward chaos — bills, arguments, projects at work, errands to run — you can let them go, quickly, by using The Sedona Method.
“In this moment could you allow yourself to notice that the peace you are looking for is already right within you? Now as best you can, could you welcome this peace that you are?” Dwoskin asks. “Could you simply let go and “be” just for this moment … the more you allow yourself to let go and be moment to moment, the more you won’t notice both inner and outer peace — and the more you will reap the benefits of allowing this peace to support you and enliven you.”
Releasing with The Sedona Method is actually one of the simplest, fastest and most direct ways of restoring inner peace, because it instantly frees you from the thoughts that are weighing you down. And we all know it’s our thoughts that keep us up at night, make us feel anxious and panicked, and sometimes make it hard to even smile.
When you let go of that negativity, you are free to feel peaceful. Realize you can feel that way at any time, and ALL the time, because peace is always at your core.
Now, there are other methods, too, that can help you get to that place of inner peace we all crave. Along with using The Sedona Method, the following simple pleasures will also help you to find calm and balance in an otherwise hectic world, so we recommend you do them all, and do them often.
1. Smile and, even better, laugh
2. Pet an animal
3. Meditate
4. Watch children at play (and join in)
5. Spend time in nature
6. Watch the sun rise or set
7. Take a deep breath, then another, and another
8. Do something kind for someone
9. Listen to music you love
10. Do some yoga or other gentle exercise (stretching, Tai Chi, etc.)
To learn more about the Sedona Method or purchase their products,
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