Mandala Monday – Exploring the Third Eye Chakra by Jason Lincoln Jeffers
The sixth chakra is known as the third eye chakra and it is located in the middle of the forehead linking the eyebrows. In ancient Sanskrit, it is depicted by the indigo Ajna mandala which translates as “command center.” Its energy bestows us with the supernatural ability of clairvoyance, a higher sensory perception to “see” events and images pertaining to the past, present, or future. The third eye allows us to “remote view” other places or people without physically being there.
When the third eye chakra is blocked, it will affect the physical body through lack of concentration, headaches, confusion, psychological disorders, anxiety, and panic attacks. We will be pushovers, allow other people to trample all over us, take advantage of us, and may not feel ourselves to be worthy of success in our own right.
An imbalanced third eye chakra will prevent us from “seeing” things that are right in front of us, such as solutions to our problems or ailments. In simpler terms, we will be in denial of what is, repressing what needs to be addressed, and live our lives being continually deceived by others. As a result, our lives may become chaotic and disorganized. Co-dependency on other people may become a problem and we will either hop from one miserable relationship to another, or we will stay firmly attached to an abusive partner for a very long period of time.
When the third eye chakra is healed, however, we will be able to see 360 degrees in all directions, figuratively speaking. We will have foresight, insight, and high-powered perception into people, issues, and events. We will know what to do, the right way to do it, and the perfect time to do it. It’s as if we become perfectly aligned with the universe’s will. Our intuitive powers are greatly enhanced and we will be able to see things before they happen.
A clear and balanced third eye chakra bestows us with creative imagination, visualization, and innovation. Our concentrative powers are greatly enhanced. The left brain becomes balanced with the right brain. And finally, we don’t allow others to push us around, we draw a line in the sand where no one is allowed to cross. We are no longer dependent on others to support us either financially or emotionally. Independence becomes our new shield in life.
Unblocking and balancing methods to help realign the third eye chakra include lying flat and placing a crystal over the third eye. Visualize indigo light or flame whilst meditating can also help rebalance this chakra. Herbs for healing are: sandalwood, elecampane, echinacea, eggplant, and ginseng. Healing aromatherapy include: gardenia, lavender, and rosemary. Healing incenses are: sandalwood, mugwort, star anise, saffron and acacia. Healing crystals: lapis lazuli, azurite, fluorite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire and indicolite tourmaline.
About the Author:
Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a Wellness Coach and Spiritual Life Coach who founded Sunlighten and co-founded Sunlight Day Spa; two holistic wellness companies dedicated to infrared radiant heat therapy, sound therapy, and massage therapy. His Wellness Coaching and Spiritual Life Coaching practice embraces infrared sauna purification, upper cervical care, and adhering to an alkaline-forming, nutrient-dense, anti-oxidant rich, ketogenic diet.
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