by atmara | May 7, 2018 | Art, Coloring Mandalas, Mandala Coloring, Mandala Monday, Mandalas, Zentangle
Free Mandalas Coloring Pages from Just Color has quite a collection of images to color including:
Here are just a few examples of the mandalas they have on their site.

Really stunning mandalas, don’t you think?
They also have a selection of tutorials on coloring techniques, Adult coloring techniques and tutorials. This is what they have to say about these tutorials:
“Do you want to master new adult coloring techniques, discover expert tips to improve your skills in this art ?
Here are several technical tutorials, as well as “step by step” courses prepared by some of the most assiduous users of our website.
Thanks to these secrets revealed, you will have the opportunity to get more satisfaction from the practice of this leisure.
Felt, colored pencil, watercolor … Whatever your technique, here you will find the right information to optimize your technique.”
They also have tutorials on Zentangles and Anime. There is a huge world of coloring to explore. I hope you will use this resource often. Enjoy!
For those of you who like to color online I refer you to several blog posts I have done on this topic including:
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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by atmara | Nov 27, 2017 | Art, Coloring Mandalas, Creating Mandalas, Mandalas, Meditation, Mindfullness
The Open Mind has “22 Printable Mandala & Abstract Colouring Pages For Meditation & Stress Relief.” They can be found at:
Here are some suggestions that they have about coloring: “Coloring allows to unlock your creative potential. Perhaps more important, it helps relieve tension and anxiety. It unlocks memories of childhood and simpler times. As psychologist Antoni Martínez explains: “I recommend it as a relaxation technique. We can use it to enter a more creative, freer state. I recommend it in a quiet environment, even with chill music. Let the color and the lines flow.””
Here are a few examples”

To download full size images go to:
Happy coloring!
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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by atmara | Nov 20, 2017 | Art, Coloring Mandalas, Creating Mandalas, Drawing Mandalas, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Today I’ve got more mandalas to color, this time made by WelshPixie who posts on Here is what she says about her mandalas:
“For the mandalas, I draw patterns and scan them onto the computer. I use Photoshop to flip and copy them into a full circle, so that the patterns repeat almost perfectly.
For the doodles, I draw straight onto paper with black ink pens, and let the imagination flow. I don’t start with any pre-conceived ideas, I just draw a central shape and then build up shapes and patterns around it. I use a thicker 0.5mm pen for the main shapes, and then fill in detail with a finer 0.3mm nib. The doodling itself is just as relaxing as the coloring-in afterwards!
I provide the full-size files for free download, all at 600DPI and high resolution for high printing quality so that anyone can download, print and color my art for free, and hopefully find it as relaxing as I do.”
Here are three examples of her work:

You can find large images high resolution copies of these and other mandalas, ready to print and color at:
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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