There is a process I find interesting whenever I publish new mandalas. While I am making them, they seem very alive to me. Then when I first publish them their energy seems rather flat. The more people see them and interact with them the more they come alive. Now that they have been on Facebook, Twitter, my website, Society6 and Etsy for a month they are coming alive again.
Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity, Part 2 continues the unveiling of my newest set of mandalas. Several weeks ago we saw the first ten images in Mandala Monday – Mandalas from the Voice of Eternity – Part 1. This post showcases the second set of ten images in this collection. For information about the creation of these mandalas see the first post.
So here they are, images 11 to 20. You may want to just go through them quickly and take a sip of the nectar of each, or look at them slowly and fully absorb the gift they have for you. Look at them once or come back often to discover more. Enjoy.