by atmara | Jun 26, 2017 | Art, Creativity, Mandala Coloring, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Imagination Drawing has free mandala drawings to color online. While the site seems at first glance to be geared toward children, many of the mandalas are quite intricate and beautiful and would definitely please “children of all ages.”
Here are a few examples of the mandalas they offer:

According to the Imagination Drawing website (
“You can save your interactive online coloring pages that you have created in your gallery, print the coloring pages to your printer, or email them to friends and family.”
“The pages load immediately so you can start coloring immediately. If you would like to save your gallery of pictures on you can do so by registering for our site. We will never spam our users as we are COPPA; compliant so open an account start coloring online for free Today!
Feel free to contact us if there are any coloring pages you would like us to add to our site. If you want to email us the gif files of free coloring pages you have drawn we will add them to our online coloring site. Also please let us know if you have any suggestions as our goal is to be #1 online destination for online coloring. Our goal is to constantly build our pictures to color online and we will be adding new pictures to color every week. “
Simply go to Imagination Drawing, and start coloring. Enjoy!
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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by atmara | Jun 1, 2017 | Compassion, Creativity, Sexual equality, Story Telling, Video
According to “For many centuries (and for many reasons) critically acclaimed creative genius has generally come from a male perspective. As theater director Jude Kelly points out in this passionately reasoned talk, that skew affects how we interpret even non-fictional women’s stories and rights. She thinks there’s a more useful, more inclusive way to look at the world, and she calls on artists — women and men — to paint, draw, write about, film and imagine a gender-equal society.”
“Jude Kelly was appointed artistic director of Southbank Centre, Britain’s largest cultural institution, in 2006.”
“She founded Solent People’s Theatre and Battersea Arts Centre, and was the founding director of the West Yorkshire Playhouse. In 1997, she was awarded an OBE for her services to theatre, and in 2015 she was made a CBE in the New Year honours for services to the Arts. She has directed over 100 productions from the Royal Shakespeare Company to the Châtalet in Paris.”
“In 2002, Kelly founded Metal, a platform where artistic hunches can be pursued in community contexts, with bases in Liverpool, Southend-On-Sea and Peterborough. She led the cultural team for the successful London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic bid and then served on the Board of the cultural Olympiad. She is a regular broadcaster and commentator on a range of issues relating to society, art and education.”
“Kelly created the WOW – Women of the World Festival in 2011. In 2011 she created the WOW: Women of the World Festival, now heading into its 7th year at Southbank Centre as well as in other parts of the UK and in countries all over the world.”
For those of you not familiar with TED Talks here is a brief summery from “TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences — the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford UK each summer — TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and Open TV Project, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize”
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by atmara | Apr 27, 2017 | Creativity, Inspiration, Origami, TED, TED Talks
According to “Robert Lang is a pioneer of the newest kind of origami — using math and engineering principles to fold mind-blowingly intricate designs that are beautiful and, sometimes, very useful.”
“Origami, as Robert Lang describes it, is simple: “You take a creature, you combine it with a square, and you get an origami figure.” But Lang’s own description belies the technicality of his art; indeed, his creations inspire awe by sheer force of their intricacy. His repertoire includes a snake with one thousand scales, a two-foot-tall allosaurus skeleton, and a perfect replica of a Black Forest cuckoo clock. Each work is the result of software (which Lang himself pioneered) that manipulates thousands of mathematical calculations in the production of a “folding map” of a single creature.”
“The marriage of mathematics and origami harkens back to Lang’s own childhood. As a first-grader, Lang proved far too clever for elementary mathematics and quickly became bored, prompting his teacher to give him a book on origami. His acuity for mathematics would lead him to become a physicist at the California Institute of Technology, and the owner of nearly fifty patents on lasers and optoelectronics. Now a professional origami master, Lang practices his craft as both artist and engineer, one day folding the smallest of insects and the next the largest of space-bound telescope lenses.”
Robert Lang: The math and magic of origami
For those of you not familiar with TED Talks here is a brief summery from “TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences — the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford UK each summer — TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and Open TV Project, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize”
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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