by atmara | Jan 5, 2012 | Creativity, TED Talks, Video
For those of you not familiar with TED Talks here is a brief summery of them from
“TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences — the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford UK each summer — TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and Open TV Project, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize”
According to
“Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how.”
“Jane McGonigal asks: Why doesn’t the real world work more like an online game? In the best-designed games, our human experience is optimized: We have important work to do, we’re surrounded by potential collaborators, and we learn quickly and in a low-risk environment. In her work as a game designer, she creates games that use mobile and digital technologies to turn everyday spaces into playing fields, and everyday people into teammates. Her game-world insights can explain — and improve — the way we learn, work, solve problems, and lead our real lives.”
See what you think:
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by atmara | Dec 5, 2011 | Art, Creativity, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Author: Marissa Moonwhisper
“Mandala” is a Sanskrit term meaning “sacred circle.” The balance, harmony and cohesion of a circular symbol is consistent with many forms of Eastern beliefs about universal energy (Chi) or the dynamic flow of Yin and Yang in holding opposite forces together for a complete whole. In many Tibetan monasteries, sand mandalas are used to prepare a space for sacred rituals as a form of centering and focus.
Modern Art Therapy uses mandala drawing as a means of helping a person more deeply understand the emotions, thoughts and sensations of their life or particularly challenging experiences in the past or present. It is within this healing and understanding function of raising self-awareness that mandala astrology is a developing art.
Reading Mandalas As Life Cycle Awareness
The circular form of a mandala represents the cycles or seasons of a person’s life, from birth through youth, maturity and onto death. They are representative, and can show the “life cycle” of a certain relationship, career or experience, indicating time for a change. When facing the upright drawing, the cycle begins at the bottom, just to the left of lowest point of the circle, and continues clockwise around the cycle.
The other major division of the mandala comes from separating the top half of the circle and the bottom half of the circle. As another level of reading, looking at the elements in the upper half bring understanding about external traits, feelings and thoughts. Meanwhile, the lower half describes the usually unexpressed, inner feelings and thoughts a person is experiencing.
Components of A Mandala
Interpreting a mandala that is spontaneously drawn by a person hoping to explore their inner world focuses on several key components, reflecting other aspects of astrological interpretation.
Color–the primary aspect of a mandala,is usually reflective of deep internal as well as external emotions. Individual colors as well as the overlapping use of colors can speak to a conflicted, unbalanced circumstance or a growing harmony among a person’s different aspects of life.
Numerology–though different in mandalas than in its own art, mandalas use the common universal interpretations of numbers (zero as wholeness, two as balance, etc.). By counting and assessing the numbers of a certain shape (loop, square) or the quantity of colors used in the drawing, a mandala reader can address the intensity or importance of each symbol.
Shapes or objects–identifying what feelings or thoughts a person associates with shapes that appear in the mandala in certain season, or if a certain figure has preeminent position in one area of the mandala, these offer insight into the value or challenge of that season.
Placement–with the life cycle positioning of a mandala, where each of the above elements fall within the circle help indicate their function in that period of a person’s life.
Mandala astrology is an art that needs more students to develop and cultivate its rich aspects for individual self-awareness and personal healing journeys. The few who already utilize mandalas have found a great comfort and harmony that can be achieved by drawing and interpreting the sacred circles.
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If you want a great psychic reading online visit Or www.True for amazingly accurate psychics that will provide psychic readings for your regarding love romance finance career and more. Also try free daily horoscopes and free psychic oracles as well as joining our free psychic community online. Marissa “MoonWhisper” Valentin is owner , webmaster and a psychic adviser with over 20 years of experience .

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by atmara | Nov 21, 2011 | Art, Creativity, Mandala Monday, Mandalas, Meditation
Finding your intuition through a mandala,
sacred geometry – the blueprint of the universe.
Author: Tameera Kemp
Mandala is Sanskrit for circle or connection and is seen as a model for the structure of life itself. This ancient motif dates back around 6,000 years. Tibetans call mandalas “Architecture of Enlightenment,” a temple or a blueprint of the universe.
Mandalas are used intuitively; there is no right or wrong way to experience one. You may begin just by looking and observing whatever form it takes.
As you gaze at the center and take in the rest with your peripheral vision, feel the energy flow between the mandala and your heart center.
The inspiration behind Light Stays came from a mandala. The fiery warmth of the lower or base chakras form the colour.
The origin of a mandala is a dot from the centre free of dimensions meaning seed, sperm or drop. Mandalas are a sacred space often featuring the world around or about you.
They represent inner and outer energies; many are formed as circles but can picture a wide range of shapes. Mandalas come in all forms of colours and sizes.

© Nivedita Patil
Often the lotus flower and the Flower of Life can influence a mandalas creation.

Flower of Life
Visiting an art retreat teaching mandala drawing programs is a great way to express and immerse yourself whilst discovering this beautiful ancient art.
I’ve loved mandalas for as long as I can remember. I find them useful whilst meditating, gaining clarity or inspiration. They bring a beautiful energy to your home or place of work and a sense of peace.
A mandala can rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit and your energies. They are the perfect tool to meditate with and can often centre your thoughts and mind.
Giving a child an outline of a mandala to colour will help calm their energies and release their imagination. Try giving them an assortment of colours to work with and see how their focus evolves.
The mandala comes from many parts of life we often don’t see. It’s in nature, flowers, the sun and moon, the stars and the sky.
A mandala is a sacred gift to share with someone. Colours can be associated with orange for communication, blues for intuition, purple for spirituality, pink for love, green for nature and, yellow for uplifting, earth for grounding and black for mystery.
Images from Wikimedia Commons
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About the Author
Tameera Kemp is the founder of Light Stays Retreats and Living; a global holistic lifestyle guide featuring advanced listings of retreats, programs, classes, events and workshops.
She travelled globally from the early 90’s whilst working in health and education sectors. Tameera enjoys visiting retreats and taking regular classes to balance energy, increase awareness and gain new perspective.
Tameera’s interest and study in alternative therapies and metaphysics began as a teenager. She’s practised astrology and numerology for around 20 years assisting people with life cycles, direction, clarity and understanding.
She has a special interest in:
– Websites and their power to connect people worldwide.
– Blogging and social media.
– Developing online resources to enrich personal development, wellbeing, creativity, travel and growth.
– Creating a global community of likeminded others who love travel, wellbeing and want to achieve a better way of living.
Tameera wants to empower others through Light Stays state-of-the-art resources, sharing experience and knowledge to connect people and businesses worldwide.
Tameera established Light Stays Retreats and Living in 2011 creating her dream global resource to inspire and guide your journey.
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