by atmara | Nov 10, 2014 | Art, Healing, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Manipura Mandala
The third chakra is called the solar plexus chakra. It is located at the base of the rib cage, between the sternum and the navel. The color frequency is yellow or gold and it is depicted as the Manipura mandala in Sanskrit. Its element is fire and it is the foundation of the mental body and the intellect. It influences our personal power, self-control, creativity, motivation, and issues of self-esteem and self-acceptance.
This chakra physically influences muscles, stomach, digestion, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, metabolism and the nervous system. When it is healthy, we are able to successfully wield our powers of personal creation and manifestation. Whatever we intend we are able to manifest as our reality. From thought to feeling to visualization, our abilities to create and inspire are unlimited when the solar plexus chakra is pure and unblocked. We become focused, disciplined, and determined to succeed and because of our optimism, we empower ourselves to do so.
When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, however, this chakra can bring a tremendous hindrance to our personal powers of manifestation. We become pessimistic, self-doubtful, and therefore tend to sabotage whatever it is we intend to create. We become our own worst enemy due to arrogance and smugness, and sometimes great rises end up as great falls. We are sloppy, reckless, and disorganized. The worst part of our ego surfaces and we begin to play the role of the victim in life, focusing our energy on how it is always someone else’s fault as to why we have failed, time and time again, in one endeavor after another. We become consumed by conflict, anger, and drama in our career and personal endeavors.
When this chakra is properly aligned, however, we are highly organized, meticulous, and methodical in our approach to innovation, invention, and creation. We see the gods in the details, crossing every “t” and dotting every “i.” We are nothing less than machine-like in our steady and sure rise to the top of whatever ring we choose to throw our hat in. Doors open and people rush to our assistance. The world becomes our oyster.
Consultation with a spiritual counselor can be helpful in focusing on the tools and modalities for healing the solar plexus chakra. Crystals recommended are: citrine, gold topaz, amber, rhodochrosite, gold calcite, and rhodonite. Herbs for healing are: goldenseal and lemon balm. Incenses recommended are: carnation, cinnamon, and marigold.
About the Author:
Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a Wellness Coach and Spiritual Life Coach who founded Sunlighten and co-founded Sunlight Day Spa; two holistic wellness companies dedicated to infrared radiant heat therapy, sound therapy, and massage therapy. His Wellness Coaching and Spiritual Life Coaching practice embraces infrared sauna purification, upper cervical care, and adhering to an alkaline-forming, nutrient-dense, anti-oxidant rich, ketogenic diet.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
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by atmara | Oct 20, 2014 | Healing, Mandala Monday, Mandalas
Svadhistthana Mandala
The second chakra is also called the sacral chakra or the spleen chakra. It is located approximately two inches behind and below the navel. In Sanskrit it is depicted as the Svadhistthana mandala, meaning “one’s own place.” Its element is water and it is symbolized by a fish.
The sacral chakra also governs our emotional body, our passions, our sensuality, and our sex drive. It influences our ability to cooperate, compromise, be open-minded, and be amicable when we disagree with others. The lower abdomen, spleen, liver, bladder, kidneys, sexual organs, and fertility are influenced by the second chakra.
If this chakra is out of balance, our physical health will suffer from liver toxicity, kidney disease, bladder infections, fertility problems, and diseases related to the sexual organs. Frigidity and impotence are common. We may become addicted to sex, food, alcohol, or drugs because of our obsession with pleasure and emotional escapism. Denial to unconscious emotional trauma reinforces these addictions. Stubbornness, arrogance, ruthlessness, paranoia, jealousy, distrust, and obsessiveness may consume us when this chakra is blocked.
Where the root chakra governs the ego, the sacral chakra rules the ego’s shadow, and so when it is imbalanced, we will be in deep denial of this hidden part of ourselves. Secret addictions and fantasies need to be addressed. Projections of judgment, criticism, blame, and condemnation onto others is common amongst those who need to have this chakra balanced.
When this chakra is healthy, however, we tend to open up to life, open to opportunities, open to relationships, and open to whatever happens in the Now. We are present and are willing to accept unconditionally whatever the universe brings to us, no matter how “bad” it may seem on the surface. We don’t resist, react, or rebel against what life is trying to teach us. Because we are open to life, doors open for us and everything we touch seems to turn to gold.
Seeking out advice from a spiritual counselor can help you to unblock and balance the sacral plexus chakra. Some spices recommended to heal the sacral chakra are: cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, sesame seeds, and caraway seeds. For an herbal tea, the following herbs are recommended: orange peel, rosehips, annatto seed, cloves, allspice, organic peppermint and organic lemon grass. The crystals and gems recommended for healing are: gold, citrine, amber, golden topaz agate, chrysoprase, lithium, smokey quartz, turquoise, malachite, tigers eye, yellow calcite.
About the Author:
Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a Wellness Coach and Spiritual Life Coach who founded Sunlighten and co-founded Sunlight Day Spa; two holistic wellness companies dedicated to infrared radiant heat therapy, sound therapy, and massage therapy. His Wellness Coaching and Spiritual Life Coaching practice embraces infrared sauna purification, upper cervical care, and adhering to an alkaline-forming, nutrient-dense, anti-oxidant rich, ketogenic diet.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
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by atmara | Oct 6, 2014 | Healing, Mandala Monday, Mandalas, Spiritual Awakening
Maladhara Mandala
The first chakra is the root chakra or the Kundalini chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. It is represented by the Maladhara mandala, the element of fire and is symbolized by the snake or dragon. It is the foundation of the physical realm and it is through the root chakra that we remain grounded to Mother Earth or the sacred feminine, nurturing energies of Gaia. When it is dormant, the Kundalini remains coiled precisely 3 and 1/2 times around the tail of the spinal cord. Here it lies until it awakens and rises upward where it flowers at the top of the head or crown chakra.
The root chakra influences our energy, our drive, or primal instincts, and our fight or flight response. It is also rules our immune system. The root chakra governs our body’s survival mechanism, such as food, shelter, and security. Our relationships in early childhood, especially those which are associated with emotional and/or physical well-being are influenced by this chakra. It stimulates activity, exercise, and vitality, as well as our general health throughout life. If there was trauma in early life regarding these issues, then it will affect our physical health until we’re able to cleanse and heal this chakra. A Spiritual Counselor can give you helpful advice on how to heal your root chakra trauma.
The root chakra also relates to our material and financial achievements, success in business, and our status in society. How safe we feel in the world, how patient we are, and how well we are able to relax and be calm, are all governed by the first chakra. When it is balanced we will be in perfect health, feel free, happy, energetic, and will live our lives in a state of peace, balance, and tranquility. When it is out of balance, we will be greedy, selfish, overbearing, aggressive, and sadistic toward others. We will lack in an inner confidence and security with ourselves.
The physical ailments that may arise will include problems with the adrenal glands, thyroid, kidneys, and spinal column. Chronic ailments that are associated with a wounded root chakra are: chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, candida, spinal subluxation (spine or back problems), and TMJ disorder.
Healing methods to unblock and balance the root chakra include: cleaning and cooking in the home, living close to or working close to nature, walking in nature (especially barefoot), lighting candles and incense (cedar), and holding or wearing crystals (agate, bloodstone, hematite, garnet, ruby and red jasper). Some of the healing herbs for the root chakra are dandelion, calendula, hawthorne, red clover blossoms, eyebright, and lavender flowers.
About the Author:
Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a Wellness Coach and Spiritual Life Coach who founded Sunlighten and co-founded Sunlight Day Spa; two holistic wellness companies dedicated to infrared radiant heat therapy, sound therapy, and massage therapy. His Wellness Coaching and Spiritual Life Coaching practice embraces infrared sauna purification, upper cervical care, and adhering to an alkaline-forming, nutrient-dense, anti-oxidant rich, ketogenic diet.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
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