Reconnective Healing – People Are Reporting Miracle Healings, But What is it Exactly and is it Real? By Cynthia Miles

Today you’ll be introduced to a way to heal that is just now starting to become known — Reconnective Healing. My guess is, you may not have heard about it. And even if you have, you may not know why it’s special. However this is something important. So read on and I’ll fill you in on what it is, who discovered it, and what’s so extraordinary about it.

You may have heard about “energy healing.” Reconnective Healing is similar in that it is something that is not delivered through physical means like drugs or “hands on” therapies like massage. However a big difference is scientists are able to measure the frequencies involved with Reconnective Healing Sessions, and have found that they have never been seen before on earth. The scientists are postulating that these new frequencies, which they are able to measure for the first time, are only available now because of recent shifts in the earth’s magnetic grids. This is a historical event.

How did it start? Well, there was this chiropractor out in Los Angeles, California who had a very successful practice for about 12 years. One day his patients started telling him that they could feel his hands on their body. But this was while he was not touching them. About the same time, Dr. Eric Pearl (that’s the doctor’s name) was getting blisters on his palms while he worked. One time his palms even bleed. Not too long after this started, he started asking for help from all sorts of experts trying to find out what was going on and why people were mysteriously receiving miracle healings after leaving his chiropractic office.

Here’s what the Scientists found. The scientific research found that Reconnective Healing causes a MEASURABLE effect on DNA. And not just plant and animal DNA — but also HUMAN DNA. Further the scientists were able to measure this phenomenon over and over again, not just once. They were also able to see that with this specific type of healing, the body goes into a state of super coherence, which science has never seen before. Findings were so impressive that scientists are rewriting the laws of physics and mathematics because of it. It has received so much respected attention that even the UNITED NATIONS has taken notice.

It is interesting to note that reports from all over the world have come in from people seeing angels and other dimensional beings after or during a Reconnective Healing session. Sometimes these “beings” were experienced as physical appearances just like a person materializing. At other times, many people reported smelling the fragrance that an already deceased loved one used to wear or a sensation of that person touching them. And yet others reported hearing messages spoken to them, though no one else was there. My friend, for example, “saw” parrots flying around the room.

Let’s discuss the risks involved. No matter what we do in life there always seems like there’s a downside or at least a potential risk. Taking certain prescriptions, for example, may not mix well with other healing treatments. With Reconnective Healing however, you don’t have to worry about all that and you can rest assured it is safe. Your Practitioner does not direct what happens with the energies, there is nothing that you take and what you DO receive is coming to you from God. Some people like to call this Universal Divine or Infinite Intelligence.

If you’re curious as to how to choose the right R.H. Practitioner, the answer is very simple. If the R.H. Practitioner you go to was personally trained by either Dr. Eric Pearl or The Reconnection Staff, then they will legitimately be able to do the healing session, as well as even Dr. Eric Pearl could. The scientific research clearly proved this. However, if that R.H. Practitioner tries to add in any other healing type of modality, just know that your results will not be very good. This was also scientifically tested and proven in that the efficacy goes WAY down when the Practitioner tried to add in another modality. So make sure whoever you go to STRICTLY DOES ONLY Reconnective Healing.

On occasion you may come across someone posing as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, when in fact they are not. However, this is not something that will fool you, because you can easily go to the official site for The Reconnection, to validate any R.H. Practitioner’s credentials.

Reconnective Healing IS new. It’s different. And it’s VERY real. I hope you gleaned a lot from this article about what it is, who discovered it and some of the many aspects that make it special. And don’t forget, respected scientists and even the United Nations have taken notice of it.

SPECIAL INTERVIEW: R.H. Practitioner Cynthia Miles was personally trained by Dr. Eric Pearl and The Reconnection Staff. On her site you can watch videos, listen to interviews where Dr. Eric Pearl discusses the Science of Reconnective Healing and read her personal story where she recounts about her hands glowing in the dark following her training. Visit => Reconnective Healing Science

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Reconnective Healing – Beyond Energy Healing by Jessica April

Most folks acknowledge our world is changing. The changes are not solely in the economy and therefore the financial systems, but also in each facet of our life and therefore the way we tend to expertise life. Most significantly, what is also changing is our awareness and conscious perspective of life and living. In different words, many folks are turning “spiritual” and changing into additional spiritually aware. Such changes paved the manner for the new healing, The Reconnective Healing(R).

The Reconnective Healing(R) may be a non-touch, vibrational healing. It accesses frequencies that are on this planet for the primary time. Its history goes back to 1993. Dr. Eric Pearl, a successful chiropractor in Los Angeles encountered many miraculous healing reported by his patients. The healing is followed by bizarre expertise these patients had while in the would-be usual chiropractic appointment. While on the table, they saw angels, and/or felt presence of alternative beings/individuals besides Dr. Pearl himself, when in fact, Dr. Pearl was the sole alternative person present in the room.

Since then, Dr. Pearl had taken on the mission of spreading the Reconnective Healing and also the Reconnection that were introduced by the Supply to the remainder of the world. He had presented within the UN and varied seminars worldwide. These frequencies are recognized by many scientists and researchers to be not the usual “energy”. In face, these are a full, complete spectrum of frequencies from the quantum field. More, the Reconnective Healing community have learned that at creation, all humans were directly connected to the Source, the Universe, Gaia, the Cosmos, through the Cosmic Internet per some Native Yank legends or the Cosmic Grid otherwise known. Over time in human history, such connection was lost, hence the looks of diseases – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Along with the Reconnection work, it not solely re-connects DNA strands, but also re-connects us back to the axiatonal lines of the Universe, the Cosmic Grid. Healing on all levels therefore is the results of such re-connection.

The examples here are only a partial list of the healing reported worldwide. These examples illustrate the wide range of healing, from emotional to physical. The healing embrace fibromyalgia, cancer, back pains, gastrointestinal conditions, asthma, allergies, kidney failure, depression, and traumas from accidents or life situations.

The Reconnective Healing brings about distinctive and special healing experience. Not only have folks experienced physical healing, but additionally have they experienced the deeper level of sustained sense of well-being, peace.

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Jessica April has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Reconnecting ,you can also check out her latest website about: Riccar Vacuum Bags which reviews and lists the best riccar bags

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Healing Depression with Yoga – Guest Post by Maria Rainier

The West’s traditional method of treating depression involves psychotherapy and medication, but with the rising popularity of yoga across the world, it’s become more difficult to ignore yoga practitioners’ claims of uplifted moods and eased ailments.  Scientific research on the benefits of yoga for those suffering from depression remains sparse and generally comes attached with a cautionary warning that the findings may be unreliable.

Yoga and the Scientific Community

Have a heart-to-heart with any devoted yogi—not just someone who’s in it for the cute pants or the weight loss—and you will hear a train of praises for the physical and psycho-emotional benefits of the art.  In fact, in 2004, the University of California, LA, conducted an experiment that involved 28 mildly depressed young adults on campus who participated in two hour-long sessions of Iyengar yoga weekly for 5 consecutive weeks.  “Subjects who participated,” reports the abstract, “demonstrated significant decreases in self-reported symptoms of depression and trait anxiety. . . .  Changes were also observed in acute mood, with subjects reporting decreased levels of negative mood and fatigue following yoga classes.”  (See the abstract of the study here:  The study was typical in its findings as well as its call for greater level of scrutiny, which remains underway today.

Yoga and Your Body

On a (mostly) physical level, regular practice of yoga can alleviate depression by reducing the physiological manifestations of stress.  This means easing cramped shoulders, stretching tight hips, and triggering the release of endorphins—the happy hormone.  Even slower and less physically strenuous versions of yoga (such as Iyengar and Anusara) can help the body release toxins by providing deep muscle and organ movements as well as strength and flexibility.  Individuals suffering from low self-esteem or feelings of weakness (such as after the loss of a loved one) can benefit from feeling powerful through yoga, which tones muscles and encourages deep breathing.  Sun salutations, shoulder stand, and the warrior poses are particularly powerful, ego-boosting poses that involve upward motions and stretching or wide stances and feelings of grounding.

Yoga and Your Mind

Yoga has psychological, emotional, and—for some—spiritual effects, too.  Yoga often entails meditation, which encourages shedding of stress and earthly concerns in favor of intense awareness of things beyond the self, often provoking a feeling of universality and nothingness at once.  Practitioners of course experience varying sensations and bring different philosophies to yoga and meditation, but mindfulness, being in the present, and loving kindness to oneself as well as others are key points in both practices.

Yoga as a Tool to Heal from Depression

This is not to say that severe depression or chemical conditions such as bipolarity can be utterly solved through yoga—many cases still require professional aid.  Mayo Clinic and other institutions now admit, however, that yoga may be a complementary method of treating depression.

Yoga holds a few advantages over traditional methods of treating anxiety and depression.

  • Personal practice is free, and even lessons and books cost less compared to medication or therapy
  • No need to depend on someone else’s schedule; a yoga practitioner may heal whenever he or she wishes.
  • Healing without medication and through the power of the self may provide increased self-esteem.

Make sure to join a class or study yoga and its safe execution before attempting its regular practice.  (Improper training can result in physical injuries, however slow the style of yoga.)  If you suspect you suffer from severe depression, do not attempt to self-treat.  Remember that yoga is not a cure-all but simply a helpful, soothing, and invigorating tool to get you back on your feet.

Bio: Maria Rainier is a freelance writer and blog junkie. She is currently a resident blogger at First in Education where recently she’s been researching the highest paying associate degrees versus the lowest paying associate degrees. In her spare time, she enjoys square-foot gardening, swimming, and avoiding her laptop.


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