The tutorial for today is How to paint dot mandalas with Kristin Uhrig- #21 Candy Spiral. We have already seen several of her videos in previous weeks, How to paint rock mandalas #4- Christmas design by Kristin Uhrig, How to Paint Dot Mandalas #30 – The Mermaid by Kristin Uhrig and How to paint rock mandalas #5- Rainbows by Kristin Uhrig which you might enjoy as well. I would also recommend her tutorial on tips and tools, How to Paint Dot Mandalas – Tools and Tips by Kristin Uhrig.
Here is what Kristin says about this tutorial:
“This tutorial will show you how to paint a spiral dot mandala on a 3 inch stone. It is intermediate in difficulty, due to the small size of the dots.’
“Tools used:
Pittsburgh Transfer Punch set (Amazon)
Essence manicure stylus dotting tool (Amazon)
Clay doll sculpting tool, smallest size point (Ebay)
Rustoleum Triple glaze clear acrylic spray
Flat edge- small paintbrush
Tape measure
Charcoal white pencil”
“Paints used: Martha Stewart acrylic: Pollen, Marmalade, Fuchia, Indigo, Mother of Pearl
Golden Fluid acrylic Titanium white, Pyrrole orange, Magenta
FolkArt Colorshift Purple flash, Aqua Flash”
How to paint dot mandalas with Kristin Uhrig- #21 Candy Spiral
To see more of Kristin’s work go to:

I look forward to your thoughts and comments!