Mandala Monday – Mandalas for a New Earth, No. 5

Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it and let it be without imposing a word or mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.”

 ~ Eckhart Tolle ~


Mandalas for a New Earth, No. 5

 Artwork ©
Atmara Rebecca Cloe
and New World Creations


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

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Mandala Monday – Mandalas for a New Earth, No. 4

The more we practice looking deeply, the more light is present, the more flowers there are, the more oceans, space, parasols, jewels, and clouds there are. It depends on us. When you emit light, you help people see because your light wakes them up.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Mandalas for a New Earth, No. 4

 Artwork ©
Atmara Rebecca Cloe
and New World Creations


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Be sure to Subscribe to this blog either by RSS or Email via the forms on the top right column of the page.

The Magic of Mandala Making – Living Art

How do You Create Your Mandalas?

Crystal Mandala 6 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Crystal Mandala 6 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe


Someone asked me recently how I create my mandalas and I thought it might be interesting to share the answer with all of you. First, I have to say the process feels more like they create themselves through me, rather than me creating them. I never know what they will look like when I start. I either just have the urge to create one, or I’ve been asked to create a personal mandala. Then I just let my intuition guide me.

Mandalas of Healing & Awakening 11 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Mandalas of Healing & Awakening 11 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe


My work is all digital, all computer generated. I’ll create a number of kaleidoscope images either in a program called Image Tricks or or one called Pixelmator They both have kaleidoscope filters in them. Since the creation of the OS X operating system for Mac I haven’t been able to find a kaleidoscope filter for the Mac version of Photoshop or I’d do this there. (and if you know of such a filter, please let me know!) I use photos I’ve taken or pictures from various sources, whatever seems to have the energy I’m drawn to at the moment, as the source images for the kaleidoscope images.

Crop Circle Mandala 5 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Crop Circle Mandala 5 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe


Then I play with combining layers of these kaleidoscope images with different blending modes in Photoshop, I play with color adjustments; I just generally play. The blending modes in Photoshop are quite powerful and can create endless variety of effects.  It’s very intuitive. I just follow whatever idea comes into my head next when I’m playing. I often use Photoshop layer styles for glows or shadows, either around the edge of the image or sometimes on an inner portion of the image. I use the Filter Gallery Effects set of filters to created a painterly look to some mandalas. Basically, I use the many tools which Photoshop has to create effects and bring the mandala to life.

Mandalas from the Heart of Truth 7 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Mandalas from the Heart of Truth 7 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe


Eventually the mandala “feels done.” I can’t really tell you how I know that, there is just a moment when I know both the energy of the image and the visual effect are “right.” It’s really a delight, because it feels like the mandalas create themselves through me. I think of each one as a living being. I’m just the tool that gives birth to them. Creating mandalas has been a large part of my spiritual journey and spiritual awakening experience. I believe the energy of each one has a potential “message” or effect for the viewer.  It’s such a joy to do this. I’m so blessed!

Mandalas from the Heart of Peace 1 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Mandalas from the Heart of Peace 1 © Atmara Rebecca Cloe


To see all of my mandalas and other visionary artwork, click here to visit my Zazzle Store.
