Mandala Monday – DIY- How to make the most simple mandala? Step by step procedure by Craftrove

How to make the most simple mandala? Today Craftrove has a tutorial for all of you how would love to create a mandala but don’t know how to start. Here is what Craftrove has to say about this toturial:

“Most of the people don’t even start drawing, thinking what if it turns out to be ‘not so perfect’? I made this video to show that that even a not so perfect drawing can look beautiful. You just need to pick up your pen and start drawing! ”

“Materials used:
•Pencil, compass, protractor & a ruler
•Sketch pens(any color)”

“For those wanting to know, what mandala art is , the word Mandala means ‘circle’. These circular designs symbolize a never ending life. The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and more obviously the circles of life encompassing friends, family and communities. Mandalas are also used for meditation purposes allowing the individual meditating to become one with the universe. Hope this helped you.! ”

DIY- How to make the most simple mandala?
Step by step procedure by Craftrove

Craftrove-How to make the most simple mandalaTo see more of Craftrove’s artwork follow @CrafTrove on:

•Instagram: @craftrove

I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Mandala Monday – DIY Walking On Mandalas Floor Design by Tara O’Neill

DIY Walking On Mandalas Floor Design by Tara O’Neill is today’s tutorial.  Using her hand drawn mandalas and decoupage techniques from the ’60’s she creates a beautiful floor design. Here is what she says about the video:

“Hey Guys! This is a short and simple DIY of something I did in my room! Just thought I would share it even though it’s not your usual DIY! I call it Walking On Mandalas cause technically you are!”

“All you need for this DIY is paint, paper, pen, coloring pencils, paper, and Mod Podge.”

“I hope this gave some of you guys some ‘inspo’ for something!”

DIY Walking On Mandalas Floor Design by Tara O’Neill


To find more of Tara’s work see:

instagram: @tara0neill
twitter: @tara0neill


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!