Today I’d like to introduce you to a few people I’ve found on Youtube and Facebook who are an inspiration to us all. Settle in for the next 30 minutes or so and have your day transformed. Can’t stay that long? Watch what you can and come back later to finish. Give yourself that gift.
First let me introduce you to Jack Rushton:
From Youtube: A quadriplegic on a respirator since 1989, Jack Rushton uses light comedy and inspirational messages to bring hope to those overcoming life’s challenges. Contact Jack at
I saw another video this week on Facebook that shows so simply and so clearly the miracle life would be if we just helped each other. I couldn’t find this to embed (if anyone know of such a location please leave a comment and I will embed it) but even if you don’t have a Facebook account, you can view this at:
(It is very short, but will open your heart. Take the time to click on it and then come back.)
And then, of course, you’ve probably already seen this, Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stoke of Insight. But it’s worth watching again. We have the capacity to view life in ways we never dreamed of and in doing so, change everything.
From Youtube: Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened — as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding — she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.
What are your favorite inspirational videos? Please list them in the comments!
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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Have you heard of The Sedona Method? In the 30 some years I’ve be exploring spirituality and personal growth, I would from time to time get some promotional literature from them. In fact, it come so regularly over the years that at times I could almost say I felt like The Sedona Method was stalking me! I’d look at the literature, something about it would be intriguing, but I never felt the urge to act on it. Somehow it just wasn’t the right time.
Recently I received an email about a movie called “Letting Go.” Something about it was interesting enough for me to click on the link and see what it was about. And guess who created this movie? The Sedona Method people, of course! At the time they were offering the viewing of the movie online for $4.97. Something in me said, “OK, it’s time to check this out,” so I paid my fee and watched Letting Go online.
I was blown away! For those of you who don’t know this about me, I’ve been a student of Gangaji ( for the last 5 years. When I met her I fell into Love with her in a way that I had no frame of reference for, and still have no words to describe. It was an experience and is a relationship like no other, and through it I have experienced a depth of love I never knew possible, and realized the truth of who I am as that Love. So long story/short I wasn’t searching for anything more spiritually. And that is why it was such a surprise to discover this movie, Letting Go.
First, I have to say there is nothing in Letting Go or The Sedona Method that is at all in conflict with what I have realized with Gangaji. In fact, as I watched Hale Dwoskin speak in Letting Go he kept using the same words that Gangaji uses, often the exact same phrases. I kept thinking, “these two are channeling from the same source!” and they are, truth is truth.
What Letting Go offers is an opportunity for an experiential realization of this truth of who you are. The transmission from Letting Go was so powerful for me that I signed up for an advanced online course called Beyond Letting Go.
The Sedona Method has been evolving and growing over the last 30 years and now offers many powerful ways of letting go of whatever “story” you have running and experiencing the truth of who you truly are. Watching Letting Go you get the chance to experience this along with the workshop participants who were filmed last year in an event in San Francisco. No matter whether you have, or even want to have, a spiritual teacher as I do (some of us just seem to need that relationship, others don’t), Letting Go is an opportunity to open to the truth of who you are, the oneness experience you have been seeking, and learn to let go of the human dramas that keep you from realizing Yourself. And…… drum roll please…
The folks at The Sedona Method have made the online viewing of Letting Go FREE for the month of December. You can also purchase the DVD if you would like, but you can watch it first for free. (Now that December has past the price for viewing online is $4.97)
Hale Dwoskin and the others at The Sedona Method are truly dedicated to the spiritual awakening of humanity. They put Letting Go together so that anyone who saw it could have a powerful experience of the truth of who they are, whether they ever decide to pursue more of the products available from The Sedona Method. And this month they are making it possible for everyone to view it for free.
Give yourself the gift of the hour and 8 minutes of Letting Go. Take that time to experience for yourself this powerful transmission.
And please come back and tell us what you experienced!
I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
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I saw a very moving video recently about a program that brings together Israeli and Palestinian teenagers in a setting where they find that without borders and guards, they are all just teenagers with the same feelings, hopes and dreams. I wanted to share this with you.
This is a wonderful program and I am so glad people are inspired to create such things. It is very easy in our external world of duality to find something that is different and make it wrong. You see it even in spiritual communities. “Us and them” seems endemic in human thinking. Programs like this are a wonderful contribution to challenging this dualistic thinking and moving toward external peace in the world.
It is easy to see “us and them” at play externally. But the external is really just a reflection of the internal. We all have wars going on within ourselves. Parts of ourselves we have made wrong and perhaps, banished to the dark recesses of our psyche. Where do you find it in your own mind? What parts of yourself do you see as the enemy? The external hatred we see played out in the world in places like the Mid East, lives inside of every human.
There is so much talk of Oneness in the current spiritual dialog. And all is One, all arises in this One, there is truth here. But there is a difference in an idea and a living realization. In my experience, when we face and welcome the war in our own mind, when we allow the self hatred that we usually keep hidden to be seen and welcomed, only then can we truly find the Oneness, the Peace that we are, that all is. Here is a video that speaks of this internal war, of self hatred and how it’s possible to open to it, welcome it, liberate it.
This is the challenge we all face. To find lasting peace in the world we must face where we are not at peace internally. So in this Holiday Season where the word Peace is used so frequently, take some time to welcome all internally which is not at peace. Find out for yourself what happens when that which has been hidden is brought into the light, when that which has been hated is welcomed into your heart.
May all beings know themselves as the Peace and Love that they are.