Mandala Monday – How to create a mandala in Photoshop by Will Currier

We’ve explored many techniques for creating mandalas, but I’ve never done posts on how to create them on a computer (other than the post on how I create my own, “The Magic of Mandala Making – Living Art“) so I when searching on Youtube for tutorials on digital mandala making. Today I’ve got 2 tutorials by Will Currier on creating mandalas in Photoshop. Enjoy!

Photoshop Tutorial: Mandala

Speed Art: Mandala

To see more of  Will Currier’s work see his Facebook page at:


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Mandala Monday – Creating a mandala – Oksitocin Style

Today we have a short video showing you in detail how mandalas are drawn Oksitocin style by Oksana Stepanova. I highly recommend that you go to her website at to see more of her beautiful work.

Here is a quote about her from her website: “Originally from Siberia, Russia, Oksana was raised in URSS, Israel and Canada. At the age of six she starts to develop her artistic talents through dance, drawing and visual arts. At 22 she has completed a degree in Architecture and starts working in the interior design and construction field. With age and maturity her curiosity draws her to more esoteric subjects, she then develops her spirituality and her artistic side through various experiences, encounters, documentaries and travels. She starts her own research in different art fields and discovers a passion in working with Mandalas with a special interest in ancient symbols & Sacred geometry.”



I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Mandala Monday – 5 Methods for Patterned Mandalas by Cindy Angiel

This week I’ve found another great video by Cindy Angiel from Rainbow Elephant. (If you missed last week’s post on creating mandalas with rubber stamping you can find it at This week’s video presents 5 more methods for creating mandalas. Enjoy!

You can also find the Circular Grid Drawing Guides that she uses at:


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!