Mandala Monday – Mandalas for a New Earth, No. 1

All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something more or better or different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are.

—  Adyashanti


Mandalas for a New Earth, No. 1

 Artwork ©
Atmara Rebecca Cloe
and New World Creations


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Mandala Monday – Sacred Geometry Mandalas by Atmara Rebecca Cloe, Part 2

Following last Monday’s lead, I’m taking a break from Charles Gilchrist’s sacred geometry teachings for one more week  to showcase some mandalas I created lately. Inspired by this theme they all contain sacred geometry images in them.

I recommend that you take some time with each image. The energy of the mandala always guides me in its creation. I don’t have any intent when I create one other than to allow this energy to take form through me.

See what they have to say to you. Enjoy!

Sacred Geometry Mandala 4


Sacred Geometry Mandala 5


Sacred Geometry Mandala 6

 Prints and gifts of these mandalas are now available at:


I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

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Mandala Monday – Sacred Geometry Mandalas by Atmara Rebecca Cloe, Part 1

I’m taking a break this week from Charles Gilchrist’s sacred geometry teachings to showcase some mandalas I created lately. Inspired by this theme they all contain sacred geometry images in them. We’ll view the first 3 this week and 3 more next week.

I recommend that you take some time with each image. The energy of the mandala always guides me in its creation. I don’t have any intent when I create one other than to allow this energy to take form through me.

See what they have to say to you. Enjoy!

Sacred Geometry Mandala 1


Sacred Geometry Mandala 2


Sacred Geometry Mandala 3

 Prints and gifts of these mandalas are now available at:



I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Be sure to Subscribe to this blog either by RSS or Email via the forms on the top right column of the page.