Ho’oponopono & Tapping for Healing & Energy Clearing

In both How Your Attention Can Effect Water and Psychologist Cures the Criminally Insane with Hoʻoponopono I talked about a man named Ihaleakala Hew Len, who used a version of an ancient healing technique called Hoʻoponopono to cure criminally insane patients without ever interacting with them. When that gulf oil spill started there was a lot of buzz about this on Facebook. I had already read the book Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More and have been using this technique in my own life. It involves using four phrases to clear old energy, or data as Hew Len calls it.

I have found using these phrases opens the heart, helps the mind let go of whatever internal struggle is going on, and is just generally useful when you feel off balance emotionally or energeticaly.

Recently I’ve come across several other videos on Ho’oponopono. The first involves the setting to music of the phrases used, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” I hope you will enjoy it.

The second video combines tapping (often known as EFT) with Ho’oponopono. Tapping, for those of you unfamiliar with it, involves tapping on meridian points to clear energy. There are many videos about it on Youtube you can explore. I would also recommend The Tapping Solution if you are interested in further exploration. I’ve been using tapping for years and have found it very useful. The idea of combining it with Ho’oponopono was intriguing to me. Follow along with the video and see what you think.

I find both of these great tools for clearing energy and using them together can be very powerful. To explore them further check out the links below:

  • Zero Limits Seminar. Joe Vitale And Dr. Hew Len Present Worlds First Zero Limits Seminar On Audios And Transcripts Based On Actual Live Event.
  • Zero Limits Live From Maui DVDs. Let Dr. Joe Vitale And Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Teach You How To Get To The Incredibile & Euphoric State Of ‘Zero’ – (this Is Where You Clear Yourself Of Past Limitations And Open Yourself Up To A World Filled With Unlimited Possibilities).

“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”

I look forward to your thoughts and comments! (if you are reading this on the home page the link to comments is found to the far right of the post title)

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Worldwide Tipping Point – Get Inspired

I recently found my way to this website, Worldwide Tipping Point, and it inspires me. I want to share a couple of the videos featured on this site, then I hope you, too, will be inspired to add your energy to this list. Since the 1980’s and the Cold War, those of us old enough to be around then remember the “Hundredth Monkey” theory, the idea the when there is a critical mass of knowledge in a species, the whole species changes. We saw this happen with the fall of communism and the Berlin Wall. We know we are facing a much more crucial tipping point now. Either humans will change and survive as a species or we will perish. Listen to this videos. Be the tipping point.

I am so inspired when I see the youth of today stepping forward to make this change happen. Visit this website. Let yourself be inspired. Let that inspiration live you. I love you. Thank you!

I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

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