by atmara | Jun 27, 2011 | Art, Mandala Monday, Mandalas, Recommended products
Mandala, which literally means “circle,” refers to the intricate art form stemming from Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Normally, it is made as an intricate religious decoration full of meaningful geometrical elements. Jewelry artist David Weitzman of Ka Gold Jewelry makes the most exquisite Mandala ornaments.
Tibetans, most famous for their Mandala, make these objects using colored sand for long periods of time. Weitzman uses metal but his craftsmanship is inspired heavily by the Tibetan masterpieces. His intricate hand is seen in his Star of David Mandala, featuring complicated twisting of metals and a beautiful gem in the middle

Flower of Life
Another carefully constructed Mandala is the Flower of Life pendant, supposedly used for its healing abilities. Weitzman outdid himself in this large round medallion, complexly made up of 13 spheres that hide universal mathematical and geometric laws. People who wear the Flower of Life report that they experience increased heart beat, prophetic dream, and a new view of reality. The Sri Yantra pendant, meanwhile, features a tangle of nine triangles weaved around a sacred center point. It’s known to provide abundance, beauty and balance.

Sri Yantra
These Mandalas prove Weitzman’s unparalleled ability to compose the most intricate and thoughtful jewelry. His passion and innovation truly provides a wonderfully unique and cosmic view of the world.

David’s work is beautiful. I purchased one of his pendants as a gift for a friend and she wears it often. I would highly recommend you visit his site. – Atmara
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by atmara | May 30, 2011 | Healing, Recommended products
Most folks acknowledge our world is changing. The changes are not solely in the economy and therefore the financial systems, but also in each facet of our life and therefore the way we tend to expertise life. Most significantly, what is also changing is our awareness and conscious perspective of life and living. In different words, many folks are turning “spiritual” and changing into additional spiritually aware. Such changes paved the manner for the new healing, The Reconnective Healing(R).
The Reconnective Healing(R) may be a non-touch, vibrational healing. It accesses frequencies that are on this planet for the primary time. Its history goes back to 1993. Dr. Eric Pearl, a successful chiropractor in Los Angeles encountered many miraculous healing reported by his patients. The healing is followed by bizarre expertise these patients had while in the would-be usual chiropractic appointment. While on the table, they saw angels, and/or felt presence of alternative beings/individuals besides Dr. Pearl himself, when in fact, Dr. Pearl was the sole alternative person present in the room.
Since then, Dr. Pearl had taken on the mission of spreading the Reconnective Healing and also the Reconnection that were introduced by the Supply to the remainder of the world. He had presented within the UN and varied seminars worldwide. These frequencies are recognized by many scientists and researchers to be not the usual “energy”. In face, these are a full, complete spectrum of frequencies from the quantum field. More, the Reconnective Healing community have learned that at creation, all humans were directly connected to the Source, the Universe, Gaia, the Cosmos, through the Cosmic Internet per some Native Yank legends or the Cosmic Grid otherwise known. Over time in human history, such connection was lost, hence the looks of diseases – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Along with the Reconnection work, it not solely re-connects DNA strands, but also re-connects us back to the axiatonal lines of the Universe, the Cosmic Grid. Healing on all levels therefore is the results of such re-connection.
The examples here are only a partial list of the healing reported worldwide. These examples illustrate the wide range of healing, from emotional to physical. The healing embrace fibromyalgia, cancer, back pains, gastrointestinal conditions, asthma, allergies, kidney failure, depression, and traumas from accidents or life situations.
The Reconnective Healing brings about distinctive and special healing experience. Not only have folks experienced physical healing, but additionally have they experienced the deeper level of sustained sense of well-being, peace.
Article Source:
Jessica April has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Reconnecting ,you can also check out her latest website about: Riccar Vacuum Bags which reviews and lists the best riccar bags
For more information about Reconnective Healing
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by atmara | Apr 4, 2011 | Recommended products, Spiritual Awakening
Last November I watched an online film called “Letting Go” by the Sedona Method, which has truly changed my life. I’ve written several other posts about it, Letting Go – A Powerful Transmission of Truth, and 6 Practical Questions to Help You Move Forward with Letting Go, and find working with these techniques so transformative that I have to write another.
The first course I took after viewing the movie was a 7 Week Online Course: Beyond Letting Go. I’ve taken several other courses including their comprehensive course called The Sedona Method, but today I’d like to share with you what the people at Sedona Training Associates have to say about this course Beyond Letting Go:
After watching the film, (Letting Go) you will start to feel the awe-inspiring release that embodies Letting Go… yet this is merely the beginning…
You are invited to continue this amazing journey to the core of your inner self by attending the 7-week Beyond Letting Go course; hosted by Hale Dwoskin, New York Times best-selling author of The Sedona Method, and creator of the Letting Go movie.
The movie will give you the inspiration and know-how to change your life, and release your emotional burdens. In the 7-week course, you can apply these self-healing methods, so you can see your true self and the limitless possibilities you can achieve in your own life – and that’s the fun part!
Plus, the therapeutic feeling of being around others who are learning how to let go is amazing in itself.
Sign up today and save a sensational $100. For a limited time, the Beyond Letting Go 7-week course is just $197 (normally $297)
Note: This price was a time sensitive offer. The sale price may not still be available, but the course is truly valuable and worth every penny. Having taken it, I can attest to that.
Experience the Reality of Inner Peace When You Let Go of:
• Traumatic experiences from the past
• Limiting thoughts and beliefs
• Day-to-day anxieties
• Your inner tears
• Sadness from a lost love
• Deep-rooted anger
• Financial woes
• Frustration with your career
• Struggles with addiction
Free yourself from distraction and emotional burdens by attending the 7-week Letting Go course. The world is yours to embrace. Make it happen now!
This inspirational and thought-provoking 7-week course goes Beyond Letting Go and helps you personally…
• Achieve success
• Find a sense of inner peace
• Live your life the way it was meant to be
• Find longstanding happiness and joy
The best way to learn the proven techniques of Letting Go, and transform your life, is by putting them into practice yourself!
The Letting Go 7-week course is an invitation for to personally experience the amazing release of Letting Go. Now is the time to live it, feel it and embrace it every day of your life.
Sign up today and save a sensational $100. For a limited time, the Beyond Letting Go 7-week course is just $197 (normally $297).
Note: This price was a time sensitive offer. The sale price may not still be available, but the course is truly valuable and worth every penny. Having taken it, I can attest to that.
I am so impressed by this work that I want to share it with everyone. That’s why a became an affiliate of these courses. Miracles really are possible when using these techniques.
To view the online movie, Letting Go: click here.
To sign up for Beyond Letting Go: click here.
If you would like more information about The Sedona Method: click here.

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